I would say that the industry has tried very hard. We have a couple of challenges there.
We rely on the educational institutions and their diversity profiles to support us. One of the things that I said to the deans of engineering in Canada when I spoke to them was that they have to do a better job so that we can do a better job. This is true for all equity communities; we are very challenged in that capacity.
In regard to the trades, in our iconic trade, the power line workers, we have had some success in some provinces with women. Our challenge is retention. It's a job that has shifts; you go up poles in rotten weather, and when people develop a family life, it's not as compatible as they would like, so women come, but they don't say. I'm not sure that there's an easy way to address that.
It would be fair to say that we are very conscious that we need to improve our equity profile. We have a community of challenges there. One is with our educational providers--we need them to support us and we need them to have strong equity initiatives--but likewise we need to think about how we organize our work. Are there things that we can do differently?
Indeed, as a new council, we are presenting our slate to the Government of Canada for financial support; power line workers and equity improvement make up one of those areas.