At this very moment I would say no, it isn't ready. And what the industry also wants the council to help them with is to get to the curriculum and modify it as much as possible, but recognizing again that we will need more competencies in the future and we'll have to modify it consistently. We need a partnership with the colleges and universities, secondary schools, and even primary schools. We're working with the Toronto District School Board at the moment, trying to get them to bring that career awareness, getting people to study science and math again, and in the aboriginal population as well, and trying to get people aware of it, because it takes a long time to get through the education one needs for the biotechnology sector.
Having said that, because they're going into production and commercialization, we also have positions in manufacturing. The issue there is that we need the literacy skills there because it's a very highly regulated area as well, as you can appreciate, for human health, for any of the foods that we develop, etc.
We have a wide variety of skills we require. They are interdisciplinary and they're going to continue being interdisciplinary, and we need to have the colleges and universities working in partnership with us to modify the curriculum as needs be, looking more at competencies than the typical credentialling that we normally get.