Let me put this right down on the ground. We can talk about a higher level and the value at a higher level. Let me talk about the three-year-old with spina bifida who can't get into a child care centre. This little program that was funded through this partnerships program helped centres develop the capacity to be able to include children with diverse abilities in their program. Is that a waste? I say it is absolutely not. Every child has the right to a happy childhood in a place where they're cared for and people can adequately meet their needs.
Because of Canada's overall inaction in our early learning and child care policy, we have a workforce that is ill-prepared to deal with even the most typical children, never mind children with spina bifida. So in terms of waste and trimming the fat, if a government thinks that cutting the most vulnerable families with the most challenges is cutting the fat, then you're going in the right direction. This is doing it. This is achieving it.