Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), study on Government funding cuts to the Human Resources and Social Development Canada Department. That will be our agenda for today.
First of all, I’d like to welcome the members of the committee. I will be replacing the Chair for some time. I’d also like to take the time to welcome each person that has been invited to speak today.
Members of the committee have received briefing notes, and I’d like to mention that although the witnesses that are appearing before us today were selected beforehand, certain last minute changes have been made.
And so, some of the briefing notes aren’t necessarily based on what we will be hearing today. You may consult them, but in certain cases they may not correspond to this morning’s presentations.
Before us this morning we have five different groups of witnesses: the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, the Canadian Policy Research Networks, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, and the Muttart Foundation.
Each group has seven minutes. I would now invite the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations to make its presentation.