Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee.
First of all, although I am busy, I do not consider that I am granting you a privilege by appearing before you today. On the contrary, that is part of my responsibilities. And for you, as parliamentarians, it is perfectly natural that we come before you to answer your questions about what we are doing at the Department of Labour.
The Deputy Minister of Labour is Mr. Munir Sheikh, and he is with me today. There are also a number of other officials who will be able to provide assistance, as required.
If you don't mind, I would just like to move directly to my opening remarks.
Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to address you again during this fall session of Parliament. You may recall that the first time, I was with my colleague, Ms. Finley. This time, you asked that I appear alone to discuss in detail the work of the Department of Labour.
As Minister of Labour, I look after the workplace and my responsibilities include labour-management relations and workplace conditions for the federally-regulated enterprises. These enterprises are largely in the communications, transportation and banking sectors.
Canada's workplace is where our nation's wealth is generated. It's also where many working-age Canadians spend a significant part of their lives. It follows that the quality of that workplace has important implications for our economy and the society that we shape together.
With these considerations in mind, here is what I will be covering in my remarks to you today.
First, I will talk briefly about the Labour Program at the Department of Human Resources and Social Development Canada. I will talk about its mandate, structure, operations and the laws it administers.
Second, I will update you on the priorities and the decisive action we have taken on key workplace issues.
Next, I will share with you upcoming initiatives under the Labour Program, each with a focus on improving the quality of Canada's federally-regulated workplaces.
As you will see, the steps we are taking in these areas will go a long way to ensuring that we meet the needs of Canadian workers and employers.
I would like now to briefly discuss our mandate.
The Labour Program focusses on two principal areas: worker-management relations and workplace conditions.
The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Directorate administers the dispute resolution provisions of Part I—Industrial Relations—of the Canada Labour Code. This includes mediation and conciliation assistance in settling collective bargaining and other industrial disputes.
The National Labour Operations Directorate is responsible for delivering a law enforcement and regulatory program under Part II—Occupational Health and Safety—and Part III—Labour Standards—of the Canada Labour Code, as well as the Employment Equity Act.
One of the primary goals of the code is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries that could affect the health of employees. In addition, the Employment Equity Act ensures fairness and an inclusive workplace for designated groups, including women, persons with disabilities, aboriginal peoples, and members of visible minorities.
The International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs Directorate monitors labour-related developments in all jurisdictions. It also provides advice on exchanges with my provincial and territorial counterparts. On the international front, the Program represents the view of Canada abroad on policy matters concerning working conditions, labour relations and occupational health and safety.
The Labour Program is also supported by the Research Policy Directorate.
These directorates comprise 289 employees at headquarters and 386 employees in regions across Canada, for a total of 675.
Let me turn to the five key areas of recent activity within the labour program.
First, the Employment Equity Act. This year marks the 20th anniversary since the passage of the original Act, and my department is very pleased to celebrate the many achievements of individuals and organizations who promote a productive and inclusive working environment for all Canadians.
Let me draw your attention to the Employment Equity Annual Report, which I was pleased to table in the House of Commons this past June.
Its findings were rather encouraging. It showed how, since 1987, the employment situation of all designated groups has improved in the workforce under the Employment Equity Act.
There are almost 40% more members of designated groups employed in workplaces covered by the act. This means that our efforts to address discrimination and promote fairness in the workplace are making a difference.
We are pleased with these findings. But our government also recognizes that targeted employment equity measures continue to be needed to close the gap—in particular with respect to the situation faced by Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities, so that representation better reflects availability in the labour market.
Our second area of progress in the Labour Program is the Racism-Free Workplace Strategy. This strategy is vital to Canada's continued success, because in facing world markets, it ensures we are able to count on a highly competitive workforce that is uniquely rooted in diversity and inclusiveness.
But let's be clear, this is the shared responsibility of employers, employees, government, business, and labour organizations. That's why this strategy is key.
I recently completed a five-city tour to promote racism-free workplaces and the removal of barriers to employment and upward mobility for visible minorities and Aboriginal peoples.
I announced our plan to hire nine anti-racism officers, whose mandate will be to work in the following three areas: to promote workplace integration of racial minorities—in other words, to be inclusive; to build a network between community resources and employers; and to provide tools and assistance to employers working toward equitable representation in their workforce.
Our progress on federal pay equity is the third area of recent activity within the Labour Program. Just weeks ago, I announced new measures to ensure that workplace partners are fully informed of their obligations and responsibilities under pay equity—and are provided with the necessary tools and assistance to ensure full compliance with their statutory responsibilities. Working women deserve immediate, meaningful results on this.
Turning now to our fourth area of activity—at the international level—the Labour Program continues to help Canada play a leadership role in promoting and protecting workers' rights around the world.
As Prime Minister Harper indicated in a recent speech, proud citizens don't want a Canada that just goes along; they want a Canada that leads.
That is precisely what we intend to do. And this includes sharing best practices with other countries. In this context, let me mention that my counterparts, Mr. Tian Chengpine, from China, and Mr. Osvaldo Andrade, from Chili, came to visit to learn about the Canadian government's workplace policies. That meeting took place several weeks ago.
There is one more area of activity that I would like to discuss, and that is healthy workplaces. I am taking action on the Joint Statement on Healthy Workplaces, which I signed in March with my fellow Ministers of Labour from across Canada.
This statement emphasizes the importance and benefits that healthy workplaces bring to Canadian society. We have demonstrated our commitment to supporting this Joint Statement through our recent contribution to the Canadian Labour Congress AIDS Workplace Initiative, and also with our ongoing promotion of the concept of healthy workplaces at public events.
I have shared with you an update on the labour program's key activities to date. I am pleased to highlight for you initiatives that will be undertaken in the coming months.
First, our government welcomes the upcoming parliamentary review of the Employment Equity Act. As mandated by law, this will be the second five-year review of this Act. It is my understanding that the Standing Committee will begin that work this year. I would like to remind Committee members that our government looks forward to working with you.
The second upcoming activity of the Labour Program is to examine the results of the report of the Arthurs Commission on Labour Standards—the first major review of federal employment and labour standards in over four decades. Headed by Professor Harry Arthurs of York University, the Commission considered carefully the views of citizens as it has looked at such issues as new employment relationships, work-life balance, and the impact of labour standards on productivity.
I am looking forward to receiving this report.
I am looking forward to receiving this report. I will be interested in hearing the views of employers, unions, and employees, and their recommendations on such topics as overtime, hours of work, vacations, and wage recovery.
Furthermore, work is well underway on the Wage Earner Protection Program. You will certainly have questions in this regard a little later. This important program aims to protect workers who are the most vulnerable in a bankruptcy.
As part of the reform of insolvency legislation, the Wage Earner Protection Program Act was passed earlier by Parliament. Implementing this Act will involve a considerable amount of effort.
In conclusion, as you can see, both our current and upcoming efforts are important. It is vital that management and workers work together collaboratively. Canada has a winning formula—an economy and society that both continue to thrive. And one of the key reasons for that is that we work together to ensure safe, healthy and productive workplaces.
Working together implies not only a commitment, but that there is an intermediary between both parties. Ensuring that this happens is the role I see for myself as Minister of Labour. I will continue to work hard to bridge differences between management and workers. I will not choose sides.
What I want is a workforce where industrial relations are strong, durable, and supported by meaningful relationships among its stakeholders. That's my vision.
Canadians have every right to expect that their government will work continually to improve the quality of the workplace for workers and employers alike.
Not only does this help to ensure a workplace that strives to be fair, safe and inclusive, but Canada wins too by offering a world-class competitive labour force.
As always, I am very pleased to work with the Committee to meet the challenges of this dynamic, ever-changing market place.
I want to thank you for your kind attention, and I look forward to your questions now.
Thank you.