Thank you.
I intend to take the time to respond anyway. I am quite familiar with the tactics used by Members of Parliament when they ask questions. They use up a lot of time, so that there is hardly any left, but that's all right. I can still work with that system.
I just want to remind you that when you're an M.P. from Quebec, you have a particular role to play; when you become the Minister of Labour, you have to see issues from a national perspective.
Quebec has had anti-scab legislation in place for 30 years now. Why is it that over a 30-year period, only two provinces have passed anti-scab legislation? Is it working in Quebec? Yes, very well. However, don't force the other provinces to do something they don't want to do.
In 1993, even Ontario passed anti-scab legislation, and then withdrew it two years later, because they realized it simply wasn't a good idea.