Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning, Minister. I'm going to ask you something that falls within your area of responsibility. In this case, I don't think you'll be able to blame others, because it concerns one of your recent decisions.
I'd like to begin with a statement you made in front of this Committee on June 6. You said: “I want to foster constructive union-management relations.” You also said: “My vision of the Canadian workforce is one where industrial relations are strong and durable.”
This morning, you were consistent. You maintained that same approach today, adding that, as regards labour relations, you hope that both parties—in other words, employers and unions—can also contribute in such areas as racism-free workplaces, equality in the workplace, pay equity and healthy workplaces. That presupposes that there is room for employers and unions to exchange views and work together. Yet this forum for working together did exist: it was called the Office for Labour-Management Partnerships, whose funding has just been abolished, as part of your $1 billion budget cuts.
How is it possible to reconcile that last decision with the wishes you expressed on June 6 and this morning?