Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to St. John's. As you can see, we've turned the fog machine on in your honour. It's ordinarily about 30 degrees and sunny here, but we're trying to keep a stereotype going.
On behalf of the National Association of Career Colleges, the NACC, I would like to thank your committee for the opportunity to present to you today. My name is James Loder. I serve on the national association as the provincial representative from Newfoundland and Labrador. I bring greetings on behalf of our board of directors. At my day job, I'm the principal of Academy Canada Career College, the largest independent college in Newfoundland and Labrador. I am also the immediate past president of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Career Colleges.
During my presentation today, I will be referencing a brief that was submitted to the standing committee in September of this year and will be highlighting five recommendations. However, perhaps I could begin by providing a brief background on private career colleges and the national association.
Private independent colleges have provided quality career training in Canada since 1868—that's more than 138 years ago. The earliest incarnation of the NACC was established in 1896 to serve and support the needs of private career colleges, their faculties, partners and students.
Today the NACC is the umbrella organization for affiliated provincial career college associations. Every year, Canada's 1,200 private career colleges train over 100,000 students for a wide range of careers, in fields such as health care, apprenticeship trades, multimedia, business, engineering technology, child care, and many other areas. Our programs range in length from six months to three years and ultimately grant diplomas, certificates and, in some cases, undergraduate degrees.
Private career colleges are licensed by the provincial ministries charged with regulating private education under the respective government acts. These provincial acts regulate the content of programs, the quality of facilities, the credentials of instructors, entrance requirements for students, tuition fees, and the amount of security that must be provided by the colleges, as well as a host of other criteria.
Private colleges operate without subsidies in both large communities, where students have many options to choose from, and in small communities, where there are no or few public options. Furthermore, private career colleges have the ability to offer niche programming to meet specific local needs. Many private career colleges offer programs that are accredited by industry bodies such as the Canadian Dental Association, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors, and the provincial councils of technicians and technologists, to name a few.
Many schools have also chosen to apply for institutional accreditation by a third party, such as the International Organization for Standardization, the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of British Columbia, the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Apprenticeship and Certification Board, and the Canadian Education and Training Accreditation Commission.
Both types of accreditation provide the student with a level of assurance of the quality of the institution and the programs that are offered, over and above what is required by registration and licensing.
All of these steps are taken towards the goal of meeting our top priority: the training of students for fulfilling and rewarding careers.
I would now like to take a couple of moments to highlight some of our recommendations to the committee.
Recommendation one is that students must have educational choice. The NACC supports the right of the student to choose the learning environment that best suits his or her needs. Students choose to attend private career colleges for a number of reasons. Whether it's because of the need for practical skills or efficient, highly focused training close to home, or flexibility, or the individual attention that comes with small class sizes, students are coming to us in record numbers.
In understanding why we succeed, one must first understand who our students are and the niche that we fill. According to a 1998 survey, 65% of our students were female; 46% of our students had previously attended either a university or a public college; 31% were over the age of 30; 13% were single parents; and 5% of our students, or 1 in 20, came to us with either a physical or a learning disability. They come, therefore, with a host of unique needs that schools like ours readily meet.
Recommendation two deals with the NACC's support for literacy. In order to succeed at the post-secondary level and to be successful in the increasingly competitive global environment, learners need superior literacy and numeracy skills. These skills are fundamental to the success of the learner and to the worker. Too much time is taken at the post-secondary level to address deficiencies that should have been addressed at the elementary or secondary level. The NACC supports the work of organizations such as Literacy Newfoundland and Labrador and the Movement for Canadian Literacy in their efforts to assist anyone who needs those basic skills once they've exited the normal school system.
The third recommendation stresses the need for recognition of prior learning and credit transfer. Recognition of prior learning is the key to the successful transition of any student as he builds a lifelong learning plan. Right now the ability to have prior learning and skills training recognized at another school is at the discretion of the receiving institution. While some private career colleges have established articulation agreements with other public and private institutions, there remains a significant gap. In too many cases the decision on credit recognition and transfer is not made on the basis of demonstrated learning outcomes; instead it is based solely on whether the training was received at a public or private institution, with little or no attention being paid to the quality of that training. NACC supports the use of demonstrated learning outcomes and established national standards as the basis upon which credit transfer is granted.
Our fourth recommendation addresses the issue of worker mobility. NACC supports the need for industry-defined national standards in skills training. These standards would ensure that skills and the people who hold them are transferable across Canada. Since the job market is fluid and the demands of the workplace ever changing, workers may find themselves having to move several times to keep or find a new job. Creation of transparent, broadly accepted national education standards for programs will go a long way towards creating the truly national workforce that we all envision. The NACC also contends that these national standards would assist in facilitating recognition of the foreign credentials of our emerging immigrant workforce.
The final recommendation that I have time for today focuses upon the financial needs of students. Access to education and training for many is dependent on access to funding. With the demise of the once widely used grants program, students are now relying widely on access to student loans and federal or provincial programs that support training. The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation does offer bursaries; however, those are for students enrolled in a program of at least two years in length. This leaves many private career college students ineligible for the bursary and totally dependent on student loans for funding. We recommend that your committee study this issue and adjust financial programs to ensure equal access for all students. I should also point out that the NACC supports an income-contingent student aid program that allows graduates to repay their loans based on individual income levels.
In summary, the NACC contends that private career colleges strongly complement the publicly supported college system. Both offer strong training and skills for students to enter the labour market upon graduation. They differ, however, in the type of student each is designed to serve, the way in which instruction is delivered, and the time it takes for program completion. With the ability to adapt quickly to changing demand and the flexibility to offer training options to accommodate students, with multiple intakes, and with quality training by professional faculty and staff, private career colleges are an integral, cost-effective component of the post-secondary education and training sector. Private career colleges are responsive to the demands of the workplace and its students.
We've been serving the needs of Canadian students for almost 140 years and look forward to another 140 years of graduate success and strong involvement in the educational sector of Canada. Perhaps we can also help to solve some of the problems that have been addressed here today.
On behalf of the NACC, I thank you for the opportunity to present our report and recommendations.