We'll be as concise as possible.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Melanie Thomas. I'm the executive director of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living.
Our association is a community-based organization that works with and on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities. Independence and citizenship are key features of the community living movement. Today we hope to share with this committee an example of how, with the right support, political leadership from both the provincial and federal governments working with community agencies has assisted in the creation of responsive programs for persons with developmental disabilities.
The Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living supports the delivery and coordination of programs to our many partnerships within both government and community, and we play a leading role in the development of inclusive values and policies that have supported the fundamental tenets of community living for the past fifty years in our province. The community living movement supports diversity in our community. We don't care where you come from. All we know is if it's Canadian, we all belong.
We recognize that as committee members you travel across this country learning about and supporting the diversity and inclusion of our community. We are here today not only to provide you with some well-placed encouragement for your continued work, but with vital information that demonstrates that the work of this committee can bring results to real people in communities across our country.
In Newfoundland and Labrador we have used the model of collaboration and partnership with federal, provincial, and community stakeholders. The provincial advisory committee on supported employment consists of representatives from Service Canada at the federal level and on the provincial level includes partners in human resources, labour and employment, health and community services, and the Department of Education, as well as community representation from the supported employment agencies and the Association for Community Living.
The work of the provincial-advisory-supported employment committee is also supported by regional supported employment working groups. These working groups are unique in their membership and allow for the free flow of information and ideas. This leads to better policy and programs for all Canadians.
This model has proven to be instrumental in the realization of not only employment opportunities through the supported employment program, but also by the attachment to the labour market of persons with developmental disabilities, thereby effectively strengthening the inclusion in citizenship of persons in our province.
Supporting employment in Newfoundland and Labrador is a process of assisting individuals with developmental disabilities in finding and maintaining long-term employment in the community. In our province, we have had the forethought to allow disability supports to be portable. We are removing barriers and allowing persons the full range of employment options, regardless of support needs. Adequate disability supports are an integral part of any discussion on employment for persons with disabilities.
While the issue of employability for persons with developmental disability may on the surface appear complex, the supported employment agencies of our province have demonstrated that with appropriate workplace support and effective partnerships at the community and governmental level, success and permanent market attachment for persons with developmental disabilities is possible. The 693 persons employed this fiscal year in Newfoundland and Labrador is a direct testament to that. These are real Canadians with real Canadian jobs.
Speaking to a real Canadian labour market, we know we have labour shortages in many parts of our country, even in Newfoundland and Labrador. The models of collaboration we have in our province allow for such issues as identified labour shortages in the service industry to be partly addressed by the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in our community as an economic force and untapped labour market. I would refer you to the graph contained in our briefing document that illustrates some of the more specific statistics around employment and income levels within our province as well as comparative data at the national level.
We recognize that Canada is made up of many different communities, but persons with disabilities have not always been given the opportunity to contribute to their social and economic community. Having an inclusive community allows and supports individuals to contribute both personally and economically. One of the tenets of the community living movement is assisting individuals to recognize that their dream of full citizenship can be a reality, and for the first time, many of the individuals we support find true self-worth and value within their community as productive employees and by being a full participant in both economic and social life.
Supported employment in our province has meant real careers for real people with real pay. Provincial research has confirmed that without assistance and support needed to make the transition to employment, many persons with disabilities would continue to be excluded from all sectors of our community and continue to live in poverty. Inclusive programs and practices can address these issues.
Communities are where people belong. How inclusive is your community?
To get an idea of how these programs have succeeded at the local, provincial, and national levels, we will also share with you now a first-hand account of some of the successes within the supported employment program within our province. Sean will speak to some of the specifics.