Yes. If you will permit me, I agree with you entirely that the message is not completely true.
But I am going to ask you a question.
I am an immigrant. When I arrived in this country, I did not speak either of the two official languages well. The first time someone hired me, that person took a big risk. I was willing to prove I had value. Today, if someone has a choice of hiring me or hiring this man — I have nothing against you—he may prefer to hire the man. First, because I am a woman and am of child-bearing age, etc. It is a risk.
Why not help small business take that risk? Why not reduce the contributions to employment insurance for businesses that hire people 50 years old and over? Why not help them take that risk? It is like helping banks take risks with immigrants. It’s the same thing. We have to help them take a risk.
That’s all I have to say. Thank you.