It exists across the country, and I would venture to say that it is probably one of the most complicated issues that faces Canadians right now. It is not an issue that can be addressed by the federal government on its own or by the provincial government on its own. It is an issue around the productivity of all people in Nova Scotia and in Canada.
The onus is on all aspects--that includes the federal government--to be able to provide supports around this retraining. The onus is on employers to identify and recognize prior learning--the skills that come with experience and go well beyond formal training. The onus is on the individuals themselves to take a chance and move beyond their current skill sets. We need to look at this as an entire system. This is not something that only one entity can solve.
I suspect that most of it is very simply a communications issue. We have a lot of older workers who believe and have bought the notion that they are no longer productive or as viable. We have employers who feel the same way. We have government programs that convince them of that.