There is a saying — and I do not know whether it is Canadian or from Quebec — that says that when the construction business is doing well, everything does well. This means that the construction industry, both residential and industrial, is a substantial economic force. We have seen this in past years. Now workers are being recruited in somewhat haphazard conditions. When the need for manpower arises, we realize that people look for places where manpower is plentiful.
Earlier you mentioned the fact that the labour force is aging, and that we must do things differently. In the construction business, is it a serious problem when older workers who can still work can no longer provide the same output. We know that construction work is physically demanding. Are we going to ask these people to move either within the same province or even within the same region once they have settled down in a community with their family, their friends and their possessions?
In such circumstances, how can we take advantage of this extraordinary economic and human asset? You must certainly have thought about this issue.