Mr. Santacruz, as I said earlier, in my riding, there's an agriculture and nursery school. That school has been in existence for 15 years. Last year, it was expanded because increasing numbers of young people are studying in the agricultural and nursery field, as you say. There may not be a lot of people who have farms in Toronto or Calgary, but in my neck of the woods, in the Eastern Townships, that's increasingly developing: farms are increasingly being transferred to girls, more than boys. Back home, we don't exactly have that problem. That's not the problem; the problem is literacy. These are people isolated in rural areas and they need to learn to read and write.
Mr. O'Leary, I wouldn't want you to get involved in politics, but what damage will the cuts that the Conservative government has made in literacy programs do in your area? You know that has been considerably cut. I want to know what the impact of this cut in literacy programs that enabled people to enter or re-enter the labour market will be in your field.