I have a couple of questions for Harold and Victor, but first to say that this summer my daughter worked in a garden centre and my son is still landscaping, both of them earning minimum wage while they're at university.
My first question is--and I'm going to put two in, and I also have one for Mr. John O'Leary when we're done, and I only have five minutes--do you take advantage of the student employment program that happens across the country in the summertime to hire people?
My second question is, you talked about trying to get the unemployed in Newfoundland to move to Ontario or Alberta or wherever. My question is, don't you think that creates a problem, in that if you start moving people around, then they're not there for you when you need them the next time? If somebody's working in fishing and the season's over, and then they move someplace else to landscape, it becomes quite expensive for them.
My experience of the area you're representing here today is that a lot of the work is labour-intensive and it doesn't pay big wages. People I know get minimum wage. The supervisor on the job where my son worked got a dollar more than minimum wage, so I don't know how long they're going to keep him.
Those are the two questions. Do you use the student employment program, and doesn't moving people around create more problems than it solves, in some ways?