When older workers are encouraged and allowed to be part of the labour force, the economy and government coffers benefit as much as the individual. Not only do these people pay taxes, they put money back into the economy, which of course stimulates productivity. This is an important reason not to cut back on pension income for those who are still working. It all goes back anyway.
CARP is very concerned about the plight of the estimated five million family caregivers across the country. Their role in home care can't be ignored. Since many of them continue to work or leave work to be full-time caregivers, policies must be put in place for flexible work hours and reasonable leaves of absence. For substantial leaves of absence, we would like to see a distinct EI fund and eligibility for more than the current limited period of palliative and end-of-life care. Also, the stop-out provision in CPP for new parents should be extended to family caregivers who leave work to provide elder care. We believe that in this case “family” should mean anyone in the situation of caregiving.
In conclusion, I'd just like to offer some of CARP's recommendations for enhancing the employability of older workers.
We would like to see a standing Senate or House of Commons committee to identify and combat ageism in the workforce—and we actually understand that there is going to be a Senate subcommittee with Sharon Carstairs, so we're very happy about that; a national strategy and campaign to encourage older workers to stay in or return to the workforce, including phased retirement, shorter hours, benefits, and tax credits for training and education; incentives for employers to retain and hire older workers, such as funding and/or tax credits, again for training, retraining, and upgrading; programs to promote intergenerational dialogue and exchange of experiences and ideas, as well as to bridge gaps through mentoring, coaching, and counselling; abolition of mandatory retirement based on age across the country, including in federally regulated industries; an in-person and electronic network of assistance and information for older workers to find jobs, including writing resumés, preparing for interviews, etc.; and a national strategy for unpaid caregivers, to include a distinct EI fund and a CPP stop-out provision for those who leave work to provide elder care, flexible hours, and reasonable leaves of absence for those who continue to work.
In the moment I have left, we want to congratulate Minister Finley regarding the recent announcement of the $70 million for older workers in hard-hit regions. We were very pleased to hear that, and we recommend that this initiative be extended to those who are 50; perhaps even 45, which is the age at which human resource professionals define you as an older worker; and, of course, beyond 64 for seniors who want to continue working.
Thank you.