I will read for you, from page 4 of our nine-page brief. I want to submit eight key points for consideration.
To give you an overview, based on the CCRW's thirty-year history with employment issues and outcomes from our research, and more significantly the diversity planning for inclusive employment in 2005, we believe there must be a direct effort in developing action on policies and strategies providing equal citizenship to Canadians with disabilities. Engaging not only the respective government jurisdictions, but also the stakeholders, persons with disabilities, employers, and community-based organizations is of key importance to the acceptance and the forward movement of any inclusion agenda.
The CCRW submits the following points for your consideration—they are not in order of priority.
First, we must acknowledge that disability crosses every sector of the four groups identified under the Employment Equity Act. The marginalized groups, women with disabilities, aboriginal people with disabilities, and minorities with disabilities intersect with a larger aspect of disability. It is important to insist that each marginalized group be encouraged to complete action plans identifying their challenges in each social policy context and strategies for implementation of key determinants to improve the quality of life. A key question is why some jurisdictions provide better access to disability support than others. How has the current government structure permitted this access to support? What is it that the government jurisdictions may extract from community-based organization strategies to move a successful agenda forward?
Second, there needs to be a recognition of three key stakeholders: community-based agencies providing and/or using services, persons with disabilities, and employers. This recognition would enable government support for the development of a national employment strategy for working-age persons with disabilities. The Employment Equity Act should be complemented with a coherent, integrated infrastructure of disability policies and programs designed to support a national employment strategy. Agencies using services and employers require access to employment tools, information, and other resources such as those provided through the CCRW's job accommodation service, workplace essential skills partnership, skills training partnership, and WORKink, which is an Internet-based employment resource. Persons with disabilities require access to labour market information, skills training, and development. Additional support such as job searching, résumé writing, employment matching, guidance, and assistive devices help to increase the capacity of persons with a disability to seek, secure, and maintain meaningful and equitable employment. Employers require support in identifying and recruiting skilled candidates with disabilities, job accommodation information, and access to information on assistive devices.
Third, the recognition of the portability of disability support is essential to the success of creating national standards. The government must provide recognition that all aspects of support must be equal across the nation. This is the initial step in providing for the movement of persons with disabilities to jobs and opportunities outside their current places of residence. Consistency of portability is imperative interprovincially.
Fourth, in providing solutions for employment opportunities, it becomes imperative that recognition be afforded to those key national community-based organizations that have demonstrated the capacity to build partnerships, maintain this agenda, and demonstrate results. Building on this agenda through the Employment Equity Act, the EEA auditors should be positioned to work with recognized community-based organizations linking employers to those that have the resources and tools to support the requirements.
There would not be an empirical need to build the number of auditors for the existing 1,400-plus employers governed under the Employment Equity Act, but rather to work with community-based organizations to link employers for support. This also increases the agency credibility in the community with the employer.
Fifth, although the federal government is no longer in the business of funding training, there needs to be recognition of its role in leading the process. Persons with disabilities require training and training support through community-based agencies that have demonstrated experience and expertise in this agenda. Government should have a full understanding of who these agencies are, what their capacity is to deliver, and how they may be supportive.
Our next point is that we question the value of building additional monitoring mechanisms that have only a moral authority, when clearly, by 2004, only 52% of regulated employers in this country had been audited and there were 309 remaining to be completed. Of those, 247 had 100 to 500 employees. How can compliance be enforced or suggested to be enforced when there is a lack of opportunities to work with employers in supporting their needs? There must be a stronger agenda to force recognition of compliance or lack thereof.
Our second-last point is that national fora on disability issues would support employers while linking community-based agencies with employers. To increase the capacity for this agenda item--clearly not a well-received concept--there should be a reference to the development of a disability sectoral council. A sectoral approach in meeting the relative needs of children and families, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable at-risk or excluded populations will foster the growth and development of government strategies and initiatives. Bringing together representatives from each social development group to identify possible solutions to overarching issues will provide responsiveness to and enhance the government's social agenda.
This is my last point, Mr. Chairman.
Recognition of the added value obtained from national non-governmental organizations is paramount. Organizational capacity-building funding should be allocated to those organizations that have demonstrated success and results in meeting specific objectives while demonstrating innovation and leadership in achieving participation, equality, and access for and by Canadians with disabilities. Representation, responsiveness, connectedness, and results may all be parameters of the current government in evaluating the effectiveness of a performance-based model; however, an effective investment with community-based organizations will enhance the opportunity for future outcome.