I agree with that part. The thing is, what we do with an employee who works for a hotel, for example, in my riding of Madawaska—Restigouche? It is seasonal because it's the service industry. If we take that person, or construction, it's the same situation; they are short of employees year after year.
Imagine if we try to convince.... I understand what you are saying about the present situation with the department and having to put an offer in the newspaper for people from Canada. That's one thing, the businesses in my riding of Madawaska—Restigouche are the tourist industry for about seven, eight, or nine months a year out of 12 months. After that the person will go to the EI system, and that is why the EI will increase in my specific area. What you are saying is we should take those persons who live in those high-EI areas and shift them to other areas. What happens to the hotel in my riding the next year? Who will work for that business?
The experienced person, the person who has already been trained, will move elsewhere.