May I answer that? The other type of migrant worker would be, for instance, the live-in caregivers. Of the people who are coming here and working as domestics, 99% of them are from the Philippines, and many of them are actually nurses in their home country. Their skills are not recognized and they cannot come in as independent immigrants because they don't have enough points to come in as independent immigrants, so they come in as domestic workers. They are working at cleaning homes. Then they try to get their accreditation in Canada to go back to their nursing profession. So it's a roundabout way. It takes more time...and there is a serious nursing shortage in Canada.
The issue goes beyond just how agricultural workers are treated, but how the point system is set up, how we define who is an eligible immigrant and who is not, how we decide who gets in. It all impacts on why so many people are coming here with their high skills and working in very low-end jobs. The people actually have the skills to fill the jobs, to fill the positions that we need.