Within the European Union there has been some move toward providing some uniformity around rights and standards for workers. However, there also seems to be a merging of a two-tier system in Europe as well between people from the south as well as people who live in Europe. So there seems to be differentiation of standards there.
What we're seeing also, with employment insurance and providing workers employment insurance, is they go home. Canada should sign a reciprocal agreement. In the late 1940s we did the same to work in the United States. If you've already set the precedent for it here, and if the Americans and Canada could do this, why can't we do this with other countries? We have reciprocal agreements and CPP and many other forms of social insurance, so surely if we could do that with these schemes we could do this with employment insurance.
Secondly, because of Consuelo Rubio, who works here in Toronto for the Centre for Spanish Speaking People, many workers started getting parental benefits. Up until three or four years ago, nobody knew about it. The fact that these workers are getting these benefits in their home countries is making a world of difference. It's providing the basic security they did not have before.
So I'm asking the committee to look at this. First, there has to be a way for workers to stand up to ensure an appeal mechanism. Second, look at a process of regularization and extending employment insurance to the home countries. And over that framework, make sure there is transparency.