The full evaluation of the pilot has obviously not been completed. The pilot is still running. We obviously have not had time to fully evaluate what the impact has been. You need the time to actually track these individuals to see how much time they worked, how much time they actually collected EI benefits for, and what the gap was between the end of their EI benefits and the start of their work. The full evaluation has not been done. I think that is certainly one of the things the minister is taking into account in making her determination, whether we actually have enough information to understand what the impact has been.
With two years of the pilot's running, we have a certain amount of information on the first cohort, if you want to describe it that way, who used the pilots. We certainly don't know the full information on the individuals who just came in during the last number of months who are now collecting EI and are about to run out. We obviously don't know enough about them. That is one of the things she is taking into account.
It is not my role, as an official, to speculate on future policy. I think the things you take into account are whether or not our recommendations to the minister ensure that the broader integrity of the EI program is maintained, that there is a relationship between the amount of time people work and the amount of time they collect benefits and so on. Those are the kinds of things that we put forward to the minister.