We have about 20 minutes left.
One of the things we discussed going into the meeting today was that we would deal with some of the motions we have before us. If you look at our orders of the day, we do have about 13 issues on the list.
Perhaps I'll draw your attention to the proposed schedule for the committee for some discussion now. I believe there are somewhere in the neighbourhood of seven or eight motions before us right now. There is a list of the order they have come in, which you should have as well.
To answer Mr. Regan's question, the list of the order in which they came is this list here. What we've tried to do is to match up motions with people who are coming in to speak.
Today we thought we'd address the two motions with regard to EI as well as employability issues. We have suggested that on Thursday, June 1, we will look at the two motions from Mr. Martin on social economy and old age review. Then for next Tuesday we have proposed looking at motions from Mr. Lessard on the pilot project.
I understand, having talked to Mr. Lessard today, that he would like to bump that up. We thought that would make sense since we were going to have the minister in to talk about that, but we will work with the committee and deal with whatever the committee wants to deal with.
You have some proposals there. We do want to make sure that we deal with all the motions over the next couple of weeks. I know there were some questions that our clerk fielded from various members of Parliament and maybe from the whips' offices. So I do want to put that out there right now.
Mr. Lessard, I know that one of the things you're suggesting is to deal with the pilot project sooner rather than later.
The question for the committee is how we want to proceed from here.
Yes, Mr. Regan?