I have no difficulty travelling and getting out to hear from people across the country on these issues, particularly given the differing nature of our country, seasonal employment, big cities and immigration, and all that kind of thing. I think we need to get a clear sense of what the issues and challenges are. Going out there and talking to people is not a problem for me. I think we should do it.
As some of you know because I've spoken to you, I'm very interested in getting a study going on the social transfer. I'm going to be coming forward with a motion as soon as I sense that I have some consensus on that.
I was hoping that it would happen in the fall, but you've now taken up all of the fall with the employability study. When I earlier agreed to the employability study, I thought we were going to get it done this spring and maybe into early summer. We were going to get it done this spring, because it was of an urgent nature, in my view.
There's a lot of shifting going on out there, where skill requirements are concerned, with the issue of foreign-trained workers, etc. It's been dragging on for a number of years now, and it needs to be addressed. We need to make recommendations. The government needs to move on this. We can't study it forever.
I thought the employability study was a study that we would get done in the spring, and we will be looking at the possibility of another study of the social transfer in the fall and winter of next year. What is the thinking on that?