If you look at the Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, EMR, and if you look at the participation rates of people with disabilities across jurisdictions in various kinds of programming, you'll find they're far under-represented in relation to the actual prevalence of disability in the working-age population. What's also interesting is that some provinces do much better in terms of involving people with disabilities than do others. For example, Nova Scotia does quite a good job. They have, you could say, a disproportionately large proportion of people with disabilities participating there in various kinds of training. In Ontario, it's simply dismal with respect to levels of participation in apprenticeship programs.
There's a lot of unevenness here, and arguably the federal government could play a bit of a role in setting...I don't like the term “national standards”, but maybe some common priorities and objectives that the provinces could buy into, where there'd be some sense of joint ownership and responsibility for achieving better results for people with disabilities than what has been achieved to date.
If you look at those reports, you'll see that historically the levels of participation by people with disabilities in the labour market programming available under part II of the EI Act has been very low.