I want to make a brief comment and then give you time to speak.
I know that in my own community people with disabilities are among the most desperate, especially those with intellectual disabilities. We went through the whole deinstitutionalization process, and I see the results on the streets in our area. What's clear is the lack of support for people who want to get back into the workforce, which everyone I talk to wants to do, and the lack of support for housing, which is so critical.
The troubling thing about these cuts that were announced a month ago is their ingenuity. In some cases, the services are left intact—the women's shelters, the literacy programs. What's being carved out is the resources, the training for people to deliver the programs, the advocacy. This will lead to the silencing of democratic voices and the ultimate erosion of these programs.
I want to ask about John Rae's proposal on employment equity—extending it to small and medium businesses. Mr. Collins, many small businesses are the ones that are out there hiring in my neighbourhood. What kind of support will these small and medium businesses need to be able to do this kind of hiring? That's one question.
Also, I'm vice-chair of the government operations committee, which is responsible for procurement. What are your thoughts on what we could be doing about procurement in Canada? I'm asking Mr. Rae, Mr. Collins, and anyone else.