That's a very good question. It really speaks to the role of the federal government in this area.
In order to design programs that are effective for people with disabilities, it's key to involve those people in the design of the program. The United Nations commission that was looking at people with disabilities actually has a book on this. It says that you need to ensure that representation that is accountable back to the group is involved in the process.
In fact, the federal government did this twenty years ago. They had a Department of the Secretary of State that would fund community groups on a range of issues. They would provide $5,000 or $10,000 or $15,000 to allow those groups to meet together to develop their positions and have a democratic process so that they could participate.
In fact, all the funding for community groups with people with disabilities has been cut, except at the national level. It's good that this funding is there, but what's out is the grassroots participation, so the national level loses touch. We're really asking the federal government to look at this and say that it will support these community-based groups.
This is the other part where the social identity is important. Many of our members aren't going to go back to work. What can they do that gives them some self-esteem? They can participate in the democratic community process.