I'm going to come at this from a different angle. I'm going to build on what John Rae talked about. If the federal government could be a model employer, maybe they could put some of those dollars into training management.
We have consistently seen policies and practices that are dictated by management as being the barriers to employing people with disabilities. Once you get into a structure, that this is the way it has to be done, the room for accommodation starts disappearing. Managers see having to accommodate as challenging their authority to dictate how work is done.
I can tell you that I myself have been able to be accommodated throughout my career, because I've been in management. I have control over how the work gets done. I can get the work done, no problem. But if I have to do it according to your norm or your norm, I'm going to run into problems. So maybe a little funding for management....
Canada Post is one of the worst. They're a huge employer run by the government. They're terrible in terms of how they treat their workers. It's just shameful.