Thank you, honourable chair and members of the committee.
I'm Shyla Dutt from the Pacific Foundation for Diversity. I realize, living as I do now in British Columbia, that it is a rare opportunity for us, being in one of the extremities of our country, to have input to a parliamentary body. For that I am, therefore, appreciative of your coming to Vancouver to listen to us.
Very briefly, to acquaint you with the foundation, it's a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to strengthening national action in response to Canada's accelerating diversity. Through grassroots research and dialogue, the foundation seeks to facilitate partnerships and strengthen relationships and open doors actually among diverse communities as much as within the wider community.
Based in Vancouver, the foundation brings a west coast lens to critical issues emerging from the dynamic changes to Canada's population--among them, enhancing the efficacy of community and government employment support programs for Canadians from diverse backgrounds.
We'd like to submit two related issues for your consideration. We're focusing on this particularly because who the federal government is makes a big difference to its awareness of the issues of diverse communities. Hence, we've chosen to focus today on the barriers to employability of visible minorities in the federal government.
The second issue we'd like to look at is the lack of federal subsidies for immigrants to gain Canadian workplace practical experience. We think these two things would make a big difference to the composition of the population here.
As far as the employability of visible minorities goes, while the focus of this hearing, we recognize, may be on employability in businesses in various industry sectors, as I mentioned, we're concerned that the most significant employer in the country, in both numbers--166,000 employees--and authority in terms of regulation of other employers, is less representative of visible minorities than is the private sector it regulates, especially at management levels.
We fully agree that appointments should be based on merit and only on merit, but what we have observed through our work is that job requirements and the qualifications required to carry out jobs are based on and assessed according to job descriptions created for a demographic reality that is different from what exists today. The public to whom the government provides services is vastly different from that of a couple of decades ago and, I might mention, is in different regions and is changing rapidly, a refrain we hear frequently these days. Institutional leadership, however, has stayed the same.
Almost four million individuals identified themselves as visible minorities in 2001, members of a group that is increasing six times faster than is the rest of the population. Visible minorities could make up between 19% and 23% of the population by 2017, another reason, looking forward, we have chosen to focus on this group. Roughly one-half of them would be Chinese and South Asian by then. About 70% of visible minorities are born outside the country. By 2017, of the population, 22% would be individuals whose mother tongue is neither English nor French. These are important assets, not liabilities, in a global economy, but their qualifications and talent have failed to fit the definition of merit in our public institutions.
Canada's great endeavour has been the crafting of an inclusive society. It's with this, our shared national value, in mind that I ask the honourable members of this committee to assess the accountability of the Public Service of Canada in acting on the commitment it has made and the leadership it has shown to become representative of the public it services.
Despite the investment of much effort and many resources, representativeness of visible minorities has eluded the public service. The private sector has actually done better in terms of hiring visible minorities, with 13.3% versus 8.1% in the public service, based on 2001 statistics. The gap will be even greater when the 2006 census data are released.
One possible reason for this, to look at it constructively, is that many visible minorities live in the major cities and represent between one-third and one-half of the population of these cities, but 40% of the jobs in the federal government are based in Ottawa, where visible minorities make up only 14%. So in a way it's understandable that there's chronic under-representation. Chinese and South Asians constitute the highest proportion of visible minorities.
Because 70% of visible minorities are foreign-born, they are less likely to meet entrance requirements, such as mandatory French-language fluency, testing methods, foreign credential recognition, professional registration barriers, and lack of Canadian workplace practice.
Recent management positions, for instance, in B.C. and Alberta regional offices of the federal government have been slow to be filled because they couldn't persuade people to move here from the east. This means there is even less representation in our regional offices. People have to get acquainted with the environment here, and then they move back. Only 22% of public service jobs used to be advertised for national areas of selection, so people from the regions couldn't apply for those jobs, actually. According to the Conference Board, there are subtle impediments--terms such as “lack of fit”, accent, overqualification, foreign credentials, again Canadian work experience, and lack of a welcoming environment. If nothing is done, there will be an increasing disconnect between those who govern and the governed.
I'll move on to the second issue, and hopefully I'll get a chance to talk about the recommendations.
Concerning the employability of immigrants, according to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, without significant increases in immigration of skilled workers, many sectors of the Canadian economy will not be able to expand and keep pace internationally. Yet according to StatsCan, one in five immigrants had not had any employment during the first two years after arrival. Most did not find employment in their intended occupation for two years. The biggest hurdle was lack of Canadian work experience, followed by recognition of foreign credentials.
Employment rates are higher for those who have immigrated under the skilled category, and even higher for those who have university degrees, but only four in ten have found a job in their intended occupation. This is a waste of skills and talent in the middle of our skill shortage. With StatsCan projecting that the immigrant population will reach between 7 million and 9.3 million in 2017, it's critical that the federal government design innovative programs to provide incentives to employers to help immigrants get that Canadian workplace experience.
B.C., to our knowledge, is the only province that has instituted a program that subsidizes workplace practice. The greater resources of the federal government, we feel, could be brought to bear on this.
Thank you.