As you know, the Fathers of Confederation, as they were called...the four colonies essentially came together and agreed to take a bunch of areas of responsibility and put them over here and created a new order of government that had responsibility for a certain number of things. What they didn't include was the regulation of the professions, like the medical profession, including nurses and doctors, like lawyers, engineers, etc.
What interests me here is what role the Government of Canada can play. What it tried to do in the past, of course, was to put pressure on provinces to work together to recognize immigrants' credentials, to make sure this moved more smoothly, and there had been a variety of initiatives to try to assist that process.
The question is this. If the Government of Canada doesn't have any power to say to the provinces, you, Ontario, must have the same regulations as Nova Scotia, or vice versa, and you must coordinate this so the standards are the same...? Is it better to have the Government of Canada doing that? No question, this is a national problem, and there are national objectives here. I think there is a role for the Government of Canada. I'm just trying to define what it ought to be. Or should the provinces be coming together and saying, okay, we're going to create a multi-province organization like COFI, which is going to do this?
What's your view on that? You mentioned the nurses, so it struck my mind.