I concur with Jane.
I travel a lot across Canada, and I have colleagues in other provinces who are in situations comparable to mine. I'm surprised by the commonality. I've seen some great devolution agreements. In Quebec the devolution worked out quite well. In Alberta the devolution agreement has worked out quite well. My concern would be, whatever partnerships there are and whatever the management model is, that the federal government maintains some guidelines and directions about how the dollars should be spent in the interests of citizens, not in the interest of just one group, one silo group.
The model you mentioned, our IMMPowerBC program, actually is a Skills Connect contract, and that's an example of where the federal government contributed money to the B.C. Ministry of Economic Development, with some guidelines as to how it was to be delivered. It was to be delivered for skilled immigrants, but there was a requirement for a financial contribution from the immigrants to partake in that program.