I've been in the change management business for a long time. It's not an easy task; you're constantly balancing one group, and sometimes it's just as simple as a personality who makes it tough, as they won't come to the table. But I think if you can use some best practices and say that so-and-so is coming to the table, I know it's a technique that works, because people want to keep up with the Joneses, for lack of a better term. So if some key organizations come to the table, or just a number of the smaller ones, it's very tough to be the odd person out. So I think it's a matter of having the right techniques.
I agree with you that it has been absolutely tough in the past to get the professional bodies to the table. Suddenly we find a change in atmosphere, and I'm hopeful, given the demographics and the spiralling downwards of the workforce, and the skills shortage—which is going to become a Canadian one in a few years—that perhaps we've got that trend on our side. So maybe we should be looking ahead to see what works.