Thanks very much.
First of all, thanks to the committee for allowing me this time to speak, and thanks to the staff as well.
The issue I want to talk about is, to me, a very important one. It impacts heavily on the future of our economy and on our young people.
It's funny. I didn't realize that Perley was going to be here this morning, so some of the things I'm going to talk about will be quite similar to the issues that Perley touched on.
Perley is not the only guy who likes working on heights. I'm a glazier by trade, and that involves pretty much anything you see around the downtown core that has glass, aluminum, or mirror involved. That's us guys, and when you see the fellows hanging on the sides of buildings, I've been there myself.
Thirty years I've spent, actually, as a glazier. My old man was a glazier for thirty years before that, too, so it's quite a proud trade. I'm quite proud of my trade, and I come by it honestly, through my dad and also through my uncles.
Currently, I'm the assistant business manager with District Council 38. We represent more than 1,900 skilled workers in the construction industry in the province of British Columbia. Our industry represents a number of trades, including painting. We also represent all of the industrial and commercial painters in the province and residential painters.
As well as glazing, we also represent the wall and ceiling sector. We have drywall finishers, another apprenticeable trade.
We also represent workers who aren't recognized as TQ, but they work in hazardous materials removal and industrial cleaning.
Our membership is all over the province, but it's concentrated mainly in the lower mainland, Vancouver Island, and the Prince George area.
It will come as no surprise, I'm sure, to the members of the committee that the construction industry in British Columbia is booming right now. Low interest rates and high commodity prices have contributed to a boom in residential and commercial construction, and our members on the lower mainland, and in southern Vancouver Island in particular, are almost all working. I think we have maybe 5% unemployment at this time.
I'd like to speak to the committee today about three issues that you're examining: the skilled worker shortage, apprenticeship training, and the recognition of foreign credentials.
On the skilled worker shortage, it sometimes seems you can't pick up a newspaper without reading about a shortage of skilled workers in a number of sectors--teachers, nurses, and doctors. But lately, as preparations for the 2010 Olympics begin, there has been an increased degree of attention paid to the shortage of skilled tradespeople in the construction industry.
I both agree and disagree with that statement, that we have a shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry, and I would like to explain.
Here on the lower mainland and on southern Vancouver Island, yes, we have a shortage of skilled tradespeople in the construction industry, although the shortage varies from trade to trade. But in our experience, the same cannot be said for other regions of the province. In the Kootenays, for example, more than 50% of the unionized journeyperson electricians are unemployed. In the interior in the north, more than 40% of the electricians are unemployed. Province-wide, 30% of the unionized journeyperson boilermakers are unemployed, as well as 25% of journeyperson plumbers.
We believe the skill shortage can best be addressed over the long term by returning to a much more robust and aggressive trades and apprenticeship training program. While this is a provincial responsibility, I urge you to recommend that the federal government take a much more active leadership role in this issue.
We put our money where our mouth is when it comes to training. At District Council 38, we currently own a 26,000-square-foot training facility that we operate in partnership with our contractors. We've been strong proponents for additional resources for the trades and for apprenticeship training for many years, and our record is excellent.
Currently, every single painting apprentice in this province goes through our training facility out in Surrey. There is nowhere else in the province you can receive that training. We're expanding our school at the current time, and as early as March of next year we expect to be delivering, in partnership with BCIT, glazier training.
Currently in British Columbia there is only one facility where you can receive your glazier training, and that's BCIT. So if you're working outside of this area, you have to come to the lower mainland. We're also working in partnership with our Glazing Contractors Association to see if we can expand that training to the interior, at Thompson Rivers University, and also over to Camosun College on Vancouver Island.
Right now, if you're a drywall finisher in the province of British Columbia, you can't get your technical training here anymore. With the changes to ITAC, the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission, what happened with the change in the apprenticeship system here...BCIT cancelled the drywall finishing program. We're looking to resurrect that at the training facility we're building at our facility right now.
Collectively, we can do much more to address the skills shortage, but we require government to resume the leadership role it once served.
With respect to the issue of foreign credentials, we see this as an issue more relevant to professionals like doctors, nurses, and teachers. That said, it becomes an issue in the construction industry when some companies use the skills shortage as a pretext to apply for permission to use foreign workers.
The bottom line in the construction industry, we find, is that a request for foreign workers is all too often a request for cheaper workers. Recent examples include the Bilfinger Berger building of the new Golden Ears Bridge, something I'm sure Perley can fill you in on a heck of a lot more than I can. It's the bridge that's going across the Fraser River between Langley and Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. The company has applied for permission from the federal government to import 340 foreign workers, saying they can't find enough qualified workers in Canada. They say this despite the fact that the ironworkers union has hundreds of unemployed, qualified workers in eastern Canada. In fact, Perley was showing me some letters he has representing over 1,200 ironworkers in Canada who would be willing to come out and work on this particular project.
Again, we see this issue being framed, generally, about professionals, but when it's used as a pretext to bring in workers who are paid less than the Canadian workers they replace, we have to speak out.
At the end of the day, if a company truly does need to bring in workers from outside the country, if the need is genuine, the very least we can expect is that those workers will be paid not one penny less than a Canadian worker with the same skills. Let's keep Canadians employed and paying taxes and supporting their communities.
In conclusion, as I said at the beginning of the presentation, I primarily wanted to talk to you about a shortage of skilled workers, the need for an increased focus on apprenticeships, and the recognition of foreign credentials.
I have four recommendations.
Number one is that the federal tax credit for employers hiring apprentices be amended so that the credit is increased for each completed apprenticeship. Right now, there's no incentive for the employer to keep his or her apprentices moving through the system to completion, only to hire them. We believe a modest expansion of the tax credit would have a major positive impact on apprenticeship training completion.
We would like to see the federal government assume a leadership role with respect to trades and apprenticeship training. We recognize the work that has been done to date, but we believe that a reinvigoration of the red seal classification is crucial. We recommend that the government look at the work being done by the Government of Alberta and encourage the other provincial governments to adopt that provincial approach. The federal government should insist that companies seeking to import foreign workers be required to demonstrate that the skills needed are not possessed by available Canadian workers.
Also, we would like to see increased funding for the federal agency responsible for assuring that a genuine shortage of workers exists. We've had off-the-record conversations with individuals in this area who tell us that they're unable to adequately investigate the requests because of shortages in the department in funding and personnel.
So thank you again for your time this morning. Sorry I ran on a little bit there, but if I have any time, we'd be more than pleased to answer any questions you have. Thanks.