Mr. Chairman, I can't feel too bad for Ms. Savoie. She lives in this beautiful province, and she has to go to Victoria today. We have the best weather in the country I think, so my sympathy is diminished by that.
But we'll look forward to seeing you back in Ottawa.
By the way, Ms. Yelich was talking about anti-replacement worker legislation at the federal level. It's being considered. It's actually coming before our committee soon. That will apply to things like telecommunications, railways, ports, the things under federal jurisdiction. That's why perhaps you haven't heard of it. Just so you know what she was talking about when she said replacement workers, that's what she meant.
With respect to my bill, by the way, the Speaker has ruled that it requires a royal recommendation. That means it involves an increase in money, to increase the Canada access grants to all four years for people who are low income or people with disabilities. Therefore, it requires that a minister give this a seal of approval. I'm hoping my colleagues will convince the finance minister to do that as this goes on. Even doing it in the next budget would be pretty good. Even if it isn't my bill, just getting it to happen would be good. We'll see.
I want to ask about a couple of things.
You were saying that there isn't a shortage of workers in your field. In terms of looking forward, what's the average age of tradesmen--you were talking mainly about the Kootenays and the interior, and there's a lot going on right here--just so I understand whether the picture is going to change a lot in five or ten years.