To be quite honest, the building trades--I'm sure purely through their apprenticeship program and ours--have had to grab the bull by the horns and we're working in partnership with various employer organizations. I myself sit on the Glazing Contractors Association of British Columbia. It's made up of both union and non-union contractors, and we all have a common interest in training the apprentices. We've had to take a look at perhaps changing how our apprenticeship program is delivered. We're moving to more of a module-style program in the glazing trade, which is my particular trade.
Modularized training to some people is a bit of a dirty word, but I don't see a problem with it unless you don't have everybody completing the program and moving through each one of the individual modules. There's a move afoot in some cases to give individuals partial training. You'll get this module and this module and this module. You don't train to the standards of the red seal; therefore you're limited in what you're able to do. We want to be able to make sure that everybody goes through the program, completes the apprenticeship program, and winds up with the red seal at the end of the day.