I thank you all for attending this morning. We are working on a disability act, but it's a huge encounter. We're trying to decide what “disability” is going to look like in terms of a definition.
Especially, I'm interested in hearing the mental health association this morning. We have to decide how to frame that in a disability act. I'd like to hear whatever you have to say about that if you were to define “disability” in a disability act. That would be an important part.
Dale, I really enjoyed your presentation. I know we don't have a full copy of it, so I'm hoping you will get one to the committee.
I also wanted to mention to you, Denise, your points about Ireland having a model. I'm interested in hearing a little more on that.
And I just want to make a comment on affordable housing. In the eighties, there was a real initiative to have affordable housing in a lot of villages in our province. Unfortunately, we're only forty miles from a city that is really growing and thriving, so we are finding that the houses are empty. During that time, a lot of money was invested. The people are now moving out of our communities, so our provincial government is now selling the houses off to people who are using them as cabins and second homes.
When you talk about a federal initiative, I would find that it might be a problem, because we really don't want to see those.... They were little units, and you may have had them in this province. They were duplex units for seniors and disabled people. At one time, it was a really good idea and it was very exciting to have these in our community. There were at least ten units, and two of them are being sold off for cabins, as I said. A lot of money went into them, so it's disappointing. I think it also goes to show that perhaps the province has to get a little more engaged in making sure they don't sell them off.
We are living just outside of a city. I wondered if there should be some encouragement in some way for people to move into these communities, not through legislation or regulation, but through some sort of incentive to move out of the cities, which is where, you're telling me, the communities are really having a tough time when it comes to affordable housing.
Given that, I'll start with each and every one of you who wants to answer.
Mr. Crowther, how would you see “disability” as a definition in a disability act?