We're not even sure how many minutes this will take.
I'm Denise Young, and this is Colleen Huston. We work with Disability Action Hall, a group of people with developmental disabilities and their allies who work together on issues that affect people with disabilities.
I just want to say that the process at this committee is kind of a formal, fast process for a lot of the folks we work with. We approached the challenge by sitting down and talking with people and getting direct quotations from them about their experiences in work. We've loosely organized their comments under topics. I'm going to introduce the topic areas and then Colleen is going to read their words about their experiences.
We started off initially just talking about jobs and about people's difficulties in finding jobs. They wanted to tell you some stories.
First, they told us that we need governments to create business-employer engagement programs to make Canada's workplace more accessible and safer for people with disabilities by educating business owners and managers.