Thank you very much.
I appreciate the opportunity to be here to present before this committee.
The Federation of Labour is a very unique organization in Saskatchewan. We are the largest labour central in the province, with over 90,000 affiliated members. We are the largest industry organization in the province, and we represent more taxpayers than any other single organization in this province.
We have a long history with employability issues. We run a workplace literacy and essential skills program called worker essential skills training, which is WEST for short. It is the longest running labour-sponsored program in Canada--17 years--that deals with literacy and essential skills.
The SFL deals with issues surrounding aboriginal workers, immigrant workers, and apprenticeship. We are a founding partner, along with the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, of the Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board. The SLFDB has or will be making a presentation today. I fully endorse their presentation.
It may seem odd to some outsiders, but literacy training, workplace training, essential skills, and other employability issues are natural meeting points for business and labour. There are some rogues out there who will never agree to work with labour, or even other business organizations, but by and large, while we may disagree on tactics surrounding employability issues, we often agree on strategies.
On training, workplace literacy, and essential skills, there isn't enough time in the seven minutes for me to go over the whole range of employability issues. In the few minutes we have, I'd like to talk about workplace literacy and essential skills.
I'm sure I don't have to go over the results of the 2003 adult literacy and life skills survey. I'm also sure I don't have to read to you from the recommendations listed in the report, “Towards a Fully Literate Canada”. This report came out last November from the advisory committee on literacy and essential skills to the Minister of Human Resources. Both documents are easily accessible, well researched, and well respected.
Another document you may wish to look at is called “Literacy in Saskatchewan -- Implications of Findings from IALSS 2003”. This is a PowerPoint presentation that was prepared earlier this year under the auspices of HRSDC.
I have identified about thirteen points, particularly around literacy, that we think are essential in the labour movement. Obviously we reinforce some of the documentation you've received from other organizations, such as our federal counterpart, the Canadian Labour Congress. We support the presentation they made to this committee in October. I've included it in the kit, and I'm sure you have a copy of it.
We need core funding for the Canadian Labour and Business Centre. This centre for research and dialogue on training and other industry issues was the only organization of its kind. It worked well for business and labour, and we would like it back.
The labour market partnership agreement, such as the one Saskatchewan had with the federal government before the current government cancelled it, was a $109 million agreement. It would have been used to address those issues that this committee is dealing with.
On core funding for the delivery of workplace literacy and essential skills programs, according to Satya Brink, the director of the learning policy directorate at HRSDC, Saskatchewan needs to concentrate on citizens who are at IALS level 2 and bring them up to IALS level 3. The majority of those people are in the workplace. The workplace is the easiest venue for providing literacy and essential skills training. They need to become more productive. As we know, literacy is a transferable skill, so upgrading in the workplace also helps the worker at home and in the community.
I sympathize with the recommendations coming from the previous speaker. Believe me, we're on the same wavelength when it comes to identification and realization of the worker shortage. What we need to do is capture cooperation in a proactive way between business, labour, and government around strategies to stem the tide of people who are attracted to the oil patch. There are some vehicles we need to have in place to ensure that happens.
There is the issue of core funding for provincial, regional, and national literacy networks. These networks were wiped out as of September 25 by the cuts from the federal government, yet they are organizations closest to those who need to access community and family literacy programs.
We think there needs to be core funding for literacy that is focused on apprenticeships and journeypersons. According to the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, literacy is one of the key barriers to successfully completing apprenticeship. We need industry-run learning centres and programs that address these needs. We need a pan-Canadian literacy strategy.
We need strong support for our public colleges and technical institutes. These institutions have proven to be the best vehicles for delivery of apprenticeship and other training programs, yet their waiting lists are years long. Again, you referred to that. We need the federal and provincial governments to make a qualitative increase in funding, so these institutions can meet the expanding needs of society and industry alike. We need strong support for union training centres. Many apprentices receive their technical training in union training centres. We think there's room for a 1% training tax fund based on the Quebec model. We need the return of the National Literacy Secretariat. Sectoral employment planning--sector councils are valuable organizations.
On the whole issue of employment and training initiatives for aboriginal people, we're constantly told that aboriginal people are our hidden assets in dealing with the shortage of skilled workers. This can be true, but first we have to give real meaning to those statements and not just turn them into platitudes. As an example, there's little doubt that over the next five to seven years, Saskatchewan's tar sands will start to be developed just like Alberta's. The demand for skilled labour in this and other skill-starved sectors as well as other occupations could be filled by aboriginal people, but only if we start working on this now. We need a massive increase in financially supported academic and apprenticeship training opportunities for aboriginal people, and we need to start that now.
We call on the government to rescind the cuts to the Status of Women budget.
Finally, in closing, I'd like to say we support the written submission of the Canadian Labour Congress. We support the submission I hope you're going to be seeing from the Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board, which talks about the need to have industry, business, labour, and government participating together in a cooperative effort to deal with a number of these very pressing issues.
Thank you.