I just don't think it's enough. For the people who are giving their time and their expertise to train the next generation of workers, there are not enough benefits accruing to them. We're doing it because we care about what we do. We love what we do. We love our trade. But financially, the benefits to be replacing.... We're basically our own little trade school in our kitchen, but what are we getting? What is the government giving back to us? Nothing.
We sponsor people to go and challenge the exams. We pay, ourselves, our of our pocket, because we care about it. These workers will stay with us for awhile, but in our trade they need to see other restaurants. They need to move in order to continue to expand. We're not going to have these people in our kitchen forever. That's not the point. But there should be recognition for the people who are doing that.
Five or six or I don't know how many young cooks have challenged the exam from working in our kitchen. You don't get the top...[Technical difficulty—Editor].