Without going into too much detail, the focus of literacy has changed somewhat. It's more hands-on. I was looking back at where some investments will be made in this refocusing of our literacy programs. The cuts that were made aren't really cuts. They're really being refocused, and we're cutting to the advocacy groups. So I don't know if that will really affect your group, the Labour Congress, that much. In fact, with the new spending focus it should actually enhance what you want to do, and that's more hands-on. We're talking about enhanced language training, essential skills and workplace literacy, workplace skills initiative, aboriginal elementary and secondary education programs, computers for schools, and adult education skills development. So the money is simply being delivered more at the skills level instead of to advocacy organizations.
I'm not sure if you've really looked into where your cuts will affect your group, but I think perhaps you might be interested to know that there is going to be a lot of money for your focused group, the workplace skills and training.
I was wondering, Ms. Cousyn.... You really speak for probably a lot of varieties of businesses. I don't even know how you could suggest what we could do that works with perhaps a labour group. Is there something you see there that should be...? When you hear their presentations, some of the things they're doing, would you like to be at their table? Are there ways that you think you can try to get...? I found it interesting that you feel there is not enough initiative on the disabled groups, or nobody is there bringing it together. Do you see where this should happen, how this should happen, who should...?