Again, it comes back to the National Access Awareness Week that we had a number of years ago. It was actually started by the Man in Motion Tour with Rick Hansen, and it was endorsed by the Prime Minister at the time, Prime Minister Mulroney. What they did was provide dollars, funding dollars, limited funding dollars, to educate people within the community on how a person with a disability could actually participate. I know from being involved here from day one with this that we had employer awareness days. We invited employers to a sort of job fair. We had people with disabilities go out to employers and actually work with employers during a week that was set aside. In smaller communities, we actually did tours just so that people could understand what it was to have a disability and how they could actually work.
One of the things we've done is set up an accommodation guide for employers, and it was basically to get over some of the myths that employers have about hiring a person with a disability. So we put some accommodations in there and maybe helped get rid of some of the myths, so that it's not such a hard issue to hire someone with a disability.
We try to focus on seeing the ability, not the disability. I think it's something that we can do.