To put it in its broadest possible sense, the opportunity is through goodwill. We think there is a strong vote. Saskatchewan is the only province in Canada that has the remnants of a Saskatchewan labour force development board. Many years ago, a labour force development board existed in all provinces, but that vehicle didn't seem to be a particularly effective tool. The old Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board had some very good early successes and did some extremely good work, but it was ready for revitalization. Revitalization along the lines of the apparent realities of our current economy and our supply-demand issues was absolutely necessary. The government and industry, working together, have taken that and made it a reality.
How that syncs with the federal side will remain to be seen, but I want to tell you that, from what I have seen, our stakeholders seem to be on top of that. We're seeking to work as closely as we can with our federal counterparts to make sure there's some coordination there, because after all, significant funding flows to the provinces from HRSDC and others that deal with this issue.
With respect to marginalized workers, there is funding that flows from various departments of the federal government. I'm not fully aware of all of them, but they all need to have a coordinated approach to how you are going to deal with these issues of barriers to labour market participation of these marginalized workers.