Thank you very much.
I just very quickly want to say that I think we have a huge challenge in front of us, and a wonderful opportunity, actually. I personally think that a federal government that is awash in surplus cash—that's what we hear—should be willing to invest more generously in trying to take care of that. If we don't, we're going to end up with people getting sick, which is what the report out of Saskatoon said, and that will cost us in many ways in the end.
All of us have put forward proposals, like a national housing strategy, changes to EI, a national child care program, more investment in education, equity programs, and those kinds of things. It used to be that the federal government contributed 50% to the costs of those kinds of programs, then we went down to 30%, and now we're somewhere between 10% and 15%. Where do you think the federal government should be in all of that? That's for any of you.