Good morning, Mr. Chairman. Mesdames et messieurs, membres du comité, bonjour.
My name is Johanne Mennie. I am deputy director of policy development in the Community Development and Partnerships Directorate at Human Resources and Social Development Canada.
My presentation will be in bilingual format. I will be switching from French to English along the way. We have, however, provided you with a full and complete set of an English presentation and a French presentation, as well as the bilingual presentation.
The social economy is an entrepreneurial social movement. Social enterprises are diverse, and the terminology differs across the country. They include co-operatives, mutuals, enterprising non-profits, mission- based enterprises, and community economic development organizations.
What social enterprises all have in common is that they reinvest the entirety of their profits in the community or back into the enterprise itself. Put simply, a social enterprise is first and foremost a business. This means it is engaged in some form of trading, but it trades primarily to support social, environmental, or cultural objectives.
In 2004 the Government of Canada committed funding, to be delivered through the regional development agencies and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, to support those engaged in this entrepreneurial social movement.
Funding has been provided to strengthen strategic planning and capacity in social economy enterprises, as well as to strengthen the financing of patient capital loans.
The funding was provided to three regional development agencies: the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, the Department of Western Economic Diversification, and the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, as well as to Industry Canada's FedNor initiative.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council has a mandate based on community research related to the social economy.
Human Resources and Social Development Canada—Social Development Canada, at the time—provided policy leadership. This work included the development of a policy framework and strategy to guide longer-term federal actions to support the social economy.
From a policy perspective, HRSDC has undertaken a number of activities, including finding out what other countries were doing in the social economy and what kind of policy, regulatory, and financial environment was put in place to support social economy-type enterprises. We also gathered a broad base of evidence of what was happening in Canada and about the issues, challenges, and successes faced by social enterprises.
What we discovered was that there were a large number of social enterprises engaged in a wide range of activities that include such things as job creation, workforce integration, urban regeneration, environmental services, child care and home care, housing services, and many other endeavours that improve the quality of life.
These enterprises contribute to increasing employment, producing new products and services, engaging in innovative methods of service delivery, enhancing social inclusion, strengthening community development, and increasing productivity and competitiveness.
For example, The Cleaning Solution, of Vancouver, British Columbia provides high-quality, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions while offering meaningful employment opportunities in the janitorial field for individuals living with mental illness. After just one year in operation, The Cleaning Solution has achieved a 500% increase in revenues, has more than doubled the number of individuals with mental illness it employs, and has almost doubled the number of hours worked per month per employee. Over this period, the average monthly wage of employees, over and above their disability benefits, increased by almost 80%.
The next example is the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company, located in Saskatoon, which produces and directs performances that promote a positive image of Aboriginal people, as well as entertain the community.
The SNTC has extended its programming to other areas, including working with young so-called at-risk Aboriginal youth. For example, under one of its programs, the SNTC hires dozens of young Aboriginals for eight months to teach them how to create, produce and act in a play depicting issues important to them, such as the impact of crystal meth on Aboriginal youth.
Through this method, young Aboriginals can develop fresh perspectives on Aboriginal culture, accumulate school credits and acquire significant work experience, while having access to support and educational services. It also boosts their self-confidence, hopes develops their self-esteem and helps them set new personal goals.
Our research findings suggest that social enterprises must overcome a number of challenges in order to develop and succeed, particularly when starting up, growing, or expanding. One of the most significant challenges is in the realm of financing.
Social enterprises lack appropriate financing depending on the stage they are at in their life cycle. This means tackling barriers that might prevent investors from investing in social enterprises, or social enterprises from seeking appropriate financing.
Another challenge for social economy organizations relates to proper skills development of social enterprise managers and board members. Many of the challenges facing social enterprises are more complex because they deliver both a financial and a social, cultural, or environmental bottom line. They therefore need access to appropriate training, support, and information to maximize both their business performance and their social impact.
A third barrier relates to the lack of baseline data about the social enterprise sector: its size, characteristics, activities, and so on.
Raising awareness, providing examples of and sharing good practices of innovative and entrepreneurial models could attract new inputs, customers and funding.
At this time we are continuing to assess how social enterprises may support areas such as child care, integration of immigrants, safe communities, labour market integration of multi-barriered individuals and persons with disabilities, and economic adjustment. We are continuing to advance our understanding of tool kits on financing, accounting, and legal issues that might assist social enterprises to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of their organizations; tools to measure and report on the social and financial impacts of investments by social enterprises; as well as ways to inform Canadians in rural, and immigrant and refugee communities about the availability and viability of the social enterprise co-operative model.
Some examples of social economy organizations are attached to my statement that was distributed earlier.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the committee.