The point was made--I just don't recall who made it--that the social economy is essentially an entrepreneurial movement. But a key part of that is job creation, whether it's through a co-operative or another kind of social enterprise. What we know best, of course, are co-operatives--the Canadian Co-operative Association.
An example of that entrepreneurialism is succession planning for small rural businesses. The private owner may be going out of business and want to look at another model where the community owns the organization, or through a worker co-operative the employees own the company that's going out of business in a rural community. So through a partnership between the local municipality--the community could be a key part of the partnership as well--and that organization, the succession planning model is very effective for rural and remote communities.
There are partnerships with the provincial governments as well. But social enterprises are essentially entrepreneurial, so job creation is a very key component of that.
Another recommendation is on tax credits, where the members of an emerging co-operative can invest in a new enterprise and receive tax credits. It's another way that producers in agriculture or a worker co-op can claim some ownership over the enterprise, through having a modest tax investment or credit, as we have in Quebec right now. We have a very robust tax credit program right now to capitalize agricultural and worker co-ops. That is a very effective partnership with the provincial government in Quebec through tax credits. We don't have that outside of Quebec.