As I said a little earlier, on the international scene, the Québécois model, that is to say everything that is going on in Quebec in terms of the social economy, is considered exemplary. Last week, there was a summit for Quebec; despite that, we welcomed people from 20 countries. In Quebec, there is a partnership between the Quebec government, municipalities and many other partners. Obviously, the contribution of the Canadian government would have been beneficial. I think it would be good, but the main reason why the Canadian government should pursue and intensify its policies in favour of the social economy is that this would meet the needs of Canadians.
It is an issue of presence in all areas and many other issues as well. The other countries are beginning to realize the importance of this social entrepreneurship and what it can bring about. We have much to learn from other countries. Quebec has an exchange program with Brazil. Furthermore, the Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária, which means the International Circle of Economic Solidarity of Brazil, spoke at our event last week. In a few weeks time, we will be going to Argentina, because there are already exchanges that exist between the Argentine government and Quebec's on the issue of the social economy. We have already participated in meetings with all of the European countries and we have had meetings in Africa as well. The social economy initiative in Quebec has had an excellent outreach, and we would be pleased to see the social economy of Canada as successful in this regard.