Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), our study on the social economy initiative will commence.
I just want to take this time to thank our witnesses for being here today as we have a meeting on this important issue.
We're going to move through some of the working groups first, and we're going to go to the department last.
Ms. Mennie, I know you have to leave at noon. I'll just mention that to the other members. In case they want to question you, they can try to get that into the first round, if that sounds okay.
I do want to welcome Mr. LePage out in Edmonton, and thank him for joining us via teleconference today.
You'll have seven minutes each to present, and then we'll have one round of seven minutes, followed by other rounds of five minutes of questions and answers. We'll try to keep to those limits, because we have five groups that have to present. Do your best, and if you can't get it all in, hopefully we'll cover it in the questions.
We're going to start with Ms. Neamtan.