Thank you.
I want to follow up on why Quebec and not the rest of Canada, given that many of us around this table represent regions that could use some of that investment. I think Mr. Watson and Mr. Browncould probably use some of this kind of stimulus in their areas.
To Ms. Neamtan first, I want you to comment briefly on the issue of whether contracts were signed or not. Because we did an access to information request, and it said “All pre-existing contractual obligations will be honoured.” That was the reason they were giving for not going ahead with Ontario and western Canada. Also--and this part of the question as well--they said, “Responsible spending is a cornerstone of accountable government. After reviewing these social economy programs, a determination was made that they did not meet the priorities of the federal government and Canadians.”
Given that, and the comment about this not being a core program, first of all, in regard to the contracts, are you worried in Quebec that you'll be next, in terms of cuts?