Social programs have a range of objectives. I guess, hypothetically, if there were no social programs then there would be a lot of consequences, maybe including more mobility. I don't want to speculate about that.
We have done studies, though, around employment insurance and we have looked at that question, and it's actually complex. I know you wanted a quick answer, but the answer is complex. It's complex because people move or do not move for many reasons. We talked about some of them. Cliff has mentioned some, and I was talking about some.
People also move or do not move depending on job opportunities. So we've actually seen mobility go up in 2005. It's probably not a big surprise, but more people moved to Alberta in the last quarter of 2005 than ever, I believe. I'm trying to remember if ever there was a time when that many people moved to Alberta.
That means that the state of economy has a powerful effect as well. So there are lots of things that affect the decision to move. The state of the economy is pre-eminent among the factors.
I can answer more, but I think I've passed your quick answer.