Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
This is indeed a very complex issue. We have brought forward policies which, in my opinion, help address several challenges. Unfortunately, when we look at the OECD statistics, we see that Canada has lost ground both in terms of productivity and of competitivity. In some fields, we have only managed to keep our head above water. We have done well in the knowledge economy and in education, but we are having some difficulty with our productivity and competitivity policies. It is a major challenge given what is happening in South East Asia, namely in China and India.
This would be a good opportunity to discuss an existential matter, mobility and regional needs. When you put forth an equalization policy or you want to slow down the regional exodus and respect rural and urban strategies, it is essential to make sure that the word “mobility” does not translate into “exodus”.
When I was the Minister for Citizenship and Immigration, we worked with you not only to seek out information you had access to, but also quite actively on the issue of recognition and the identification of the needs of temporary workers. You signed an agreement with Mexico and more recently with Guatemala.
Do you not think that we should adopt this type of policy to make sure that regions don't get emptied out, while at the same time we ensure respect for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and we meet mobility needs?
Current policies only favour farmers and meat packers. I know it's being done in Winnipeg. Do you think we should also have an agreement with professional associations? Should we have a one-stop shop for the recognition of needs and of credentials?
Say for instance there is a need for a doctor in Moose Jaw, we generally choose to hire someone on a temporary basis. But instead of looking at a six-month contract, perhaps we should consider a five-year contract, because that is how long it takes for a person and his or her family to settle down and fully participate in the economy as well as in community life.
Have you carried out studies on that?
Could Ms. Prince-St-Amand or Ms. Jackson answer my questions?