First, I just want to comment on a couple of comments that I've heard. It's been interesting. Obviously, some of the conversation here illustrates exactly why we need to travel across the country and actually visit other places.
I come from Alberta. This goes back to our last meeting. I live in Alberta and I have one experience that's very different from some of what I'm hearing here today. We have labour shortages not only in skilled labour, we have labour shortages in everything. You can't go to a Tim Hortons without seeing signs up, and they're paying a heck of a lot better than they paid when I was just out of high school.
Back to the disincentive question that I asked before, when you look at the macro level of Canada as a whole, my own belief is that there is a job for everybody who is able to work, and more, actually, if you were to look Canada-wide, across the country, at the number of jobs and the number of workers. Yet we continue to pay many people across the country not to work.
Being comfortable at home, you've mentioned, is a reason, an incentive, for people to stay at home, but if that comfort is coming from taxpayer-funded income, then in reality the government or the taxpayers of the country are creating a disincentive, if that is the incentive for staying.
So that was where I was going with my disincentive question.
I'll give you a minute to respond to that, if you want to. I have another question after that.