Thank you very much.
May I begin by telling you a little bit about the most recent statistics we have in terms of internationally trained doctors in this country? In 2005, we know there were approximately 14,000 practising international medical graduates in Canada. Those were people who had actually gotten through the barriers that you were describing and were practising. What we don't know and where we are lacking reliable data is how many others there are in the country who are unable to obtain their licences.
The program we're running, the foreign credential recognition program, has been working for the past two years with the Medical Council of Canada to address this specific issue around credential recognition. We have three projects running with them as we speak.
The first is an online assessment so that foreign-trained doctors, in their home country prior to arrival on Canadian soil, can do an electronic assessment on the Internet to check their credentials against Canadian requirements and to determine, before even making a decision to emigrate to Canada, whether or not they generally stack up and whether they'll have some issues in integrating into their profession when they arrive.
Secondly, we have another project running with the Medical Council of Canada that gives their evaluation exam. Historically, this exam--and it has to be written by those who are Canadian-trained as well as those who are foreign-trained--was offered once a year in Canada, in Toronto. What this meant for foreign-trained physicians was that they had to fly to Toronto to write the evaluating exam at a huge cost to themselves. What this project does now is to offer the evaluating exam in many countries around the world, as well as in Canada, and many more times a year, thereby helping to increase the number of potential foreign applicants who are able to actually write the exam each year with a view to, hopefully, increasing the number of doctors we have in our communities.
The final project we have in place right now, again with the Medical Council of Canada in order to assist physicians and address the demand in all areas of the country, is something called a national credential verification agency. What this agency will provide, in essence, is one-stop shopping for physicians who want to come to Canada. If you've ever talked to someone in a licensed occupation who wants to come to Canada, you'll know that they have to bring many copies of their original documents. Those documents then have to be assessed and recognized by the appropriate regulatory authorities prior to allowing that individual to then write the licensing exams and obtain licensure.
This agency will allow foreign-trained doctors to send one set of documentation to this agency and have the credentials assessed and recognized. It will then create, as well, an ongoing database for that physician if he or she gets other accreditations throughout their medical career. It will keep an ongoing history and list of all their ongoing credentials throughout their practice.
This means that instead of a health authority having to first check that the credentials are not fraudulent, that they are properly assessed and the individual meets all the licensing requirements, the employers will only now have to call one place. They will not have to also check all of the various places the doctor has practised in the world to see if those were legitimate and reputable hospitals. All of that kind of work will be done by the national credential verification agency for physicians--